The AGR Group (Abfallentsorgungs-Gesellschaft Ruhrgebiet) based in Herten is active in the following five areas: recycling and logistics, thermic processing, landfill management, environmental services and secondary products.
The municipal company develops concepts for ecologically and economically sound disposal for customers from industry, commerce and local authorities and implements these in its own plants.
With the introduction of ConSense IMS the AGR Group is using the electronic FORMS system. This enables creation of intelligent and dynamic forms, managed and evaluated for any purpose throughout the company. These are used primarily for the so-called condition monitoring of plants that have been approved or approved as planned. As a certified waste disposal specialist, the company is a subject to strict conditions, e.g. in the documentation of the type, quantity, origin and whereabouts of the waste transported, stored, recycled and disposed. ConSense now regulates the tracking of these requirements. "The transparent documentation and automated processes protect us from regulatory offences," explains the quality manager.
ConSense IMS was initially introduced for the parent company AGR mbH, with the subsidiaries following successively. The AGR Group, one of the pioneers in the industry among ConSense users, is letting others benefit from the positive experience: Companies in the waste management sector have now sought advice from AGR on how to set up their own electronic management system.
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