For more than 150 years Marabu has been an innovator and a reliable partner for business and users for silk screen inks, pad printing inks, digital printing inks and creative inks. More than 500 qualified employees in the Marabu Group delight customers all over the world with a wide range of different inks for annual sales of 100 million euros.
Marabu manufactures high-quality special inks with the “Made in Germany” seal of quality at two sites in the technology region of Stuttgart. Whether you are interested in inks for industrial and graphic applications or for hobbies, art and recreation – Marabu products are leaders in quality in all fields. Top-class technical service, practical customer training courses and special environmental awareness are central components of the Marabu company philosophy. Marabu has also established sustainable business practices as an important part of operations and has proven it with numerous actions and solid results. Marabu will enthusiastically continue these activities into the future.
As a result of a strategic reorientation, the subsidiary companies have become successively more closely linked to the parent company over the past few years. The parent company sets the standards for quality and environmental management, occupational health and safety that are applicable for all subsidiary companies. The original plants in Tamm (head office) and Bietigheim-Bissingen have been certified under ISO 9001 since 1995 and under ISO 14001 since 2003 and have now embedded occupational health and safety in the company standards with the OHSAS 18001 certification (since 2012) and the associated “Safety with System” seal of quality.
Key international customers also expect that Marabu will implement a global quality and environmental management system. As part of the new organizational structure of the Marabu Group and the associated requirement for standardization and due to existing customer requirements, the decision was made in 2012 to expand the current MMS globally and to start with the certification of the branches in France, China and the USA under ISO 9001 and 14001. The group looked for a new, integrated management system software that would be rolled out initially in the foreign plants. At this stage the German sites were already using a computer-supported system, but it was not capable of operating over multiple sites and did not include a tool for process modeling. As a result process flow charts had to be prepared separately in a complex process with a different program and then transferred to the current MMS by “copy-and-paste” with every revision.